Solid leadership is the key to success for any organization.

Leadership is defined as the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. Successful leaders guide others along a path while turning a vision into reality.

Numerous studies have been done to understand what employees want from their leader and their responses were:


“Share your vision – what do you want us to accomplish?”

“Tell us how you think we are doing.”

“Tell us how our team is doing and where we fit into the bigger picture.”

“Show us that you care.”

To strengthen your leadership skills, here are a few suggestions that you can easily implement:


1. Be approachable and accessible.

Be physically and mentally present. Walk around the office and engage with your employees. Practice “active listening.” Give your employees the time and attention they deserve. The next time they come to your office, ask them to have a seat, turn away from your computer, ignore your phone, and LISTEN.

2. Share the credit and shoulder the blame.

Many so-called leaders are distrusted today because they are seen as self-serving. Leadership should be for the benefit of the people. The biggest mistake you could make is to focus on “me” rather than your customers and the company.

3. Thank people for their contributions.

Everyone needs to know that they are appreciated, so a thank you and recognition from the leader can go a long way!

4. Show you care.

Show your appreciation and respect for your team. Involve them in the planning stages of a project, rather than just telling them what to do. Employees want to work for leaders who are empathetic and genuinely concerned about their views and challenges.

5. Don’t be too serious.

A good sense of humor and a laugh can be a wonderful tool in leadership.


Great leadership is the secret to retaining employees and achieving results.


Ask yourself, “In what areas do I need the most work?” Then chart your course to work on improving what you do each day; incremental improvements become exponential over time.

Becoming an excellent leader requires moving away from a manager’s mentality. Understanding your employees’ needs and wants is the best way to get greater sales productivity and retention. Start by defining what makes them content—by asking them and listening carefully to their responses. Provide them with realistic goals and timely feedback to monitor their progress. It is important that they know when they are doing well or if they are behind or off track.

Finally, look for ways to keep your employees motivated. The best incentives and those proven to deliver extraordinary results include ongoing recognition, performance-based bonuses, and awards. Keep your employees feeling like they have the best job in the world, and you and the organization will be well-rewarded.

Krista Moore

Krista S. Moore is the Founder and CEO of K.Coaching, Inc., a sales leadership coaching, consulting, and training organization. She is a sought-after Motivational Speaker, Author, Certified Business Coach, and Talk Show Host. Moore combines her real-life business experiences, certified business coaching, and motivational style to help others achieve outstanding success in their lives and in their careers.